Volume 21 Issue 5
May  2023
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Article Contents
PAN Shenshen, SU Xiangyi, LIU Qiong, DAI Xuanxuan, CHEN Chaohong. The perceived climate of team Cha-xu and its influence on job satisfaction in clinical nurses: the mediating and moderating effect of organizational trust[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2023, 21(5): 891-895. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003008
Citation: PAN Shenshen, SU Xiangyi, LIU Qiong, DAI Xuanxuan, CHEN Chaohong. The perceived climate of team Cha-xu and its influence on job satisfaction in clinical nurses: the mediating and moderating effect of organizational trust[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2023, 21(5): 891-895. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003008

The perceived climate of team Cha-xu and its influence on job satisfaction in clinical nurses: the mediating and moderating effect of organizational trust

doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003008



  • Received Date: 2022-10-17
  •   Objective  To explore the current status of the perceived climate of team Cha-xu in clinical nurses and its influence on job satisfaction, and to analyze the role of organizational trust between them, in order to provide a certain reference and basis for clinical nursing management.  Methods  A total of 433 clinical nurses were recruited by convenience sampling from 2 tertiary hospitals in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, between June and October 2021. The basic information questionnaire, perceived climate of team Cha-xu scale, the nurses ' job satisfaction scale (Chinese Version) and organizational trust scale were used in the investigation. A structural equation model was constructed using Amos 17.0 software to test for mediation effect, and hierarchical regression analysis was used to test for moderating effects.  Results  The total scores of perceived climate of team Cha-xu, job satisfaction and organizational trust were 40.31±7.45, 51.11±8.63 and 50.21±9.39 respectively, and the item mean scores were 3.67±0.68, 3.41±0.58 and 3.86±0.72 respectively. Organizational trust mediated between the perceived climate of team Cha-xu and job satisfaction, with a mediation effect of -0.14, accounting for 31.1% of the total effect. Organizational trust was also a moderator in the relationship between perceived climate of team Cha-xu and job satisfaction (ΔR2=0.067, P < 0.01).  Conclusion  Hospital managers should help nursing managers to form a good management style or leadership style, reduce the perception of team Cha-xu, pay attention to deep connection with clinical nurses, enhance nurses ' sense of organizational trust through intervention, and improve their job satisfaction and the quality of clinical nursing service.


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