Trends and suggestions on the development of China's public-health discipline under the new situation
摘要: 公共卫生体系是国家安全的重要组成部分,而公共卫生学科则是国家公共卫生体系的基础。加强公共卫生学科建设,是培养高素质公共卫生人才队伍、提升公共卫生服务水平和应对区域内突发公共卫生事件能力,进而加强国家安全治理的关键。近年来,我国公共卫生学科建设呈现由专业化向融合化、人才培养由学术型向应用型、专业准入由自由化向规范化、科研评价由论文型向综合评价型等转变趋势,新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控的新形势又对我国公共卫生学科建设提出新要求。参考和借鉴美国、欧洲及亚洲其他国家在公共卫生学科建设上的经验,结合我国实践,探索公共卫生学科发展的中国模式。建议赋予高校学科设置更大的弹性和自主性,促进多学科与医药卫生学科深度交叉融合;提高公共卫生应用型人才培养层次和规模,加强专业教育和精英教育,为国家公共卫生服务体系提供强有力的人才支撑;建立健全学科评估标准,构建人才培养资质准入、公共卫生教育认证标准、学科认证评估等方面标准,为我国公共卫生实践成效打好根基;通过重塑学科发展价值观、优化科研组织体制机制、改革科研评价指标体系,引导学科建设方向,实现学科发展服务于社会的目的。Abstract: The public-health system is an important part of national security, and public-health discipline is the basis of the national public-health system. Strengthening the construction of public-health discipline is the key to cultivating high-quality public-health talent teams, improve the public health-service level, and the ability to deal with public-health emergencies in the region to strengthen national security governance. In recent years, public-health discipline in China has transformed, such as discipline setting from specialisation to integration, talent training from academic-oriented to applied-oriented, professional accreditation from free access to standardisation, and scientific research evaluation from paper based to comprehensive evaluation. The new situation brought about by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control put forward new requirements for public-health discipline in China. This paper outlines the enlightenment of public-health discipline construction in developed countries, referring to the experience of the United States, Europe, and other Asian countries in public-health discipline construction and explores China's model of public-health discipline development combined with China's practice. Suggestions ranging from more flexibility and autonomy to the discipline setting in Colleges and universities are made to promote the deep cross-integration of multi-disciplines and medical discipline. Improvement in applied talents' training level and scale in public health to strengthen professional education and elite education, as well as providing strong talent support for the national public health-service system, is recommended. Discipline-evaluation standards should be established and improved by building standards for talent-training qualification access, public-health education certification, discipline certification, and evaluation to lay a good foundation for the effectiveness of public-health practice in China. By reshaping the discipline-development values, optimising the scientific-research organisation system and mechanism, reforming the scientific-research evaluation index system, and reforming the scientific research-evaluation system, the discipline-construction direction can be guided to realise the purpose of discipline development serving the society.
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